Wednesday, August 27, 2008 |
Star Wars Packaging :: Stormtrooper |
 Alright, I have no idea why the Stormtrooper's arms and belt are blue. They were blue in the old comic, so your guess is as good as mine. If you happen to know why, I'd love to know. I suppose it was just a choice the colorist made back in the early 80's. If that's true, it's funny how a simple choice made by a colorist would effect toy packaging almost 30 years later.
posted by Tony Shasteen @ 9:47 AM  |
Sunday, August 24, 2008 |
SkaterAid :: Music Therapy |

I recently painted and donated a skate board for a good cause. It's been a while since I've painted, so I kept this one simple, and just used red and white enamel paint and ink. It's pretty far from my usual style. Hope you like. Unfortunately I have previous commitments, and won't make it to the opening of the art auction. Here's the info for the event:
"SkaterAid is an annual skateboard and music festival in Decatur, Georgia. Proceeds from Skateraid are used to assist families of children who are battling cancer. Featuring: Skateboard Demos, Live Music, Deck Art Auction and more.
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2008 . 3:00-8:00pm . East Decatur Station . 109 New Street (just west of the Avondale MARTA station off of College Ave) . $10 admission/$5 for students Deck Auction Opens at the Brick Store on Sun. Aug. 31! Join us for a "Meet the Artists “ opening reception on Sunday Morning, August 31st. Bidding for these gorgeous, one-of-a-kind pieces of art will begin at 11:00a.m.
The Skate Deck Exhibit will hang at The Brick Store Pub for three weeks , and bidding will be open to all. Skater Aid volunteers will be on hand during that time to answer your questions and help with the bidding process. On September 21 the decks will move to the Skater Aid event where final bids will be taken and tallied.
Come see the exhibit, say "hi" and make a bid! Java Monkey will have coffee on hand." |
posted by Tony Shasteen @ 4:45 PM  |
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 |
X-Files |
So we've covered how Star Wars influenced my youth, right? Well, X-Files did the influencing after high school. For the better part of my twenties, X-Files was right there. I was hooked. I mean, how could you not be with the government conspiracies, liver eatin' hibernating shape shifters, and the Peacocks. The Peacocks... you remember that episode? The one with the inbred family that kept their breeder mother strapped to a board under the bed? Good lord, that one stuck with me...
A few months ago I heard that Wildstorm was publishing an X-Files book, so I threw my name in the hat. Long story short, I'm doing the covers!
Here's the first cover I did for the book. Also, here are the very rough cover comps that didn't make the cut.
 Labels: X-Files |
posted by Tony Shasteen @ 2:10 PM  |
Sunday, August 17, 2008 |
Star Wars Packaging :: Skywalker |

I'm a little bitter today about Star Wars. I took the kids (forced the wife) to see Clone Wars this morning. Surprisingly the place was pretty full at the 10:15 a.m. showing. I was pretty excited back when the first teaser trailers started to hit the web, but, as usual, I'm cautious when Lucas is involved. I felt betrayed when the prequels came out. I know, I know, it's a movie. Like I explained earlier, it's more than a movie. It's tied to my youth. So when I took the family to see Clone Wars this morning, I just wanted to have fun. That's it... just have a good time. I just couldn't get past the horrible dialogue, weak plot, and awful jokes. I've become a bitter old man. I guess it was geared more towards kids, but the Cartoon Network shows rang much more true. I found myself rolling my eyes throughout the whole movie. It was excruciating. On a positive note, it looked really good. I suggest buying a nice set of earplugs and watching away. Where is Brad Bird when you need him?
Edit :: I just read the GeekDad review by Vincent Janoski, and it's a hell of a lot better than mine. He nailed it. Go read it here... Review: Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Kids Will Love It, Geeks will Shudder |
posted by Tony Shasteen @ 8:53 PM  |
Thursday, August 07, 2008 |
Star Wars Packaging :: Wookiee |

Chewbacca: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrgh C-3PO: He made a fair move. Screaming about it can't help you. Han Solo: Let him have it. It's not wise to upset a Wookiee. C-3PO: But sir, nobody worries about upsetting a droid. Han Solo: That's 'cause droids don't pull people's arms out of their sockets when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that. Chewbacca: Grrf. C-3PO: I see your point, sir. I suggest a new strategy, R2, let the Wookiee win.
Alright, it's not Chewy, but it's a wookiee, and that's cool. Granted, I can't say much for his little skirt, but they didn't consult me on wookiee fashion. I think Stacy London and Clinton Kelly would have issues with this little ensemble. |
posted by Tony Shasteen @ 1:26 PM  |
Tuesday, August 05, 2008 |
Star Wars Packaging :: Lando |

Why, you slimy, double-crossing, no-good swindler. Ah Billy Dee, how we love the! You added a little "smoove" to the Star Wars universe, and you gave the Empire a cold-cock! So these toys are based on the comics. The one here with Lando was from the early 80's and they gave him some crazy comic colors on his cape... hence the puffy purple cape with red interior. I believe the actual cape interior had a gold pattern to it. |
posted by Tony Shasteen @ 10:06 AM  |
Monday, August 04, 2008 |
StarWars Packaging |

I grew up in the heyday of Star Wars toys. I remember my first experience with the Star Wars figures. My Uncle Don came over to our house one weekend with a brown paper bag holding R2-D2, C3-PO, and Darth Vader as a gift for me and my siblings. I believe I chose R2, but I eventually ended up with C3PO as well since my sister didn't stick with it too long. My brother chose Vader, which led him down the dark side. From then on, he only collected the bad guys, and I only collected the good guys. He still has a thriving side business selling toys on ebay! Who knew that one moment would lead to a lifelong obsession for both of us.
I have great memories of my youth in the late 70's and early 80's with these toys. I lived in a pretty small town growing up, so we didn't have access to large toy stores. Walmart would have to take care of our toy fix. Well, that and the yearly Sears Christmas catalog! I still remember the way I felt when I got a new figure.
So when I was approached last year to do a batch of illustrations for Star Wars packaging, I jumped at the chance. These are done in a pen and ink style, since they're used for the comic book 2 packs. I can't seem to find a link for them, but they're supposed to be Wal-mart exclusives. I'll post photos and the full size illustrations as they're released.
EDIT :: After looking into it a bit, my brother does have the toys on ebay. So if you're that big of a fan... have at it! STAR WARS COMIC PACK: LANDO CALRISSIAN & STORMTROOPER STAR WARS COMIC PACK KASHYYYK TROOPER & WOOKIEE WARRIOR STAR WARS COMIC PACK: COUNT DOOKU & ANAKIN SKYWALKER |
posted by Tony Shasteen @ 12:50 PM  |
Sunday, August 03, 2008 |
Heimdall :: Lineart + Grays |
posted by Tony Shasteen @ 6:55 PM  |