Wednesday, August 01, 2007 |
SDCC 07 |
San Diego was insane this year. It was cram packed from preview night on. I've never seen crowds this size. I only walked around the show a couple times the entire time I was there. I was usually either signing in the upstairs sail area or down at the 12 Gauge booth. I did see some great stuff when I did make it out though. One of the highlights of the show is the Illustration House booth, where they have originals by the likes of J.C. Leyendecker, Dean Cornwell, and many more. I met Kent Williams, who was an extremely nice guy. I still wish I would have made it back to pick up one of his books. I also met Dan Dos Santos, an extremely talented and super nice guy. I also swung by the Spectrum both and met the Fenner's. Very nice people and Arnie has a mind like a steel trap. I told him my name, and he knew who I was and which pieces were excepted into Spectrum. I couldn't even remember which pieces were accepted off the top of MY head! They were such warm people and made me feel extremely welcome.
Here are a few pics from the show...

Top: Rosario, David, and I at the Panel on Thursday. It was a packed house. I even had a little power point to show my process, the new series, ect. That's right people, I busted out the PPT!
2nd Row Left: Myself, Rosario, and David signing in the sail are upstairs.
2nd Row Middle and Right: Bobba Fett and Obi Wan from Sideshow. I'm not a toy freak but I really wanted to drop some hard earned cash on these!
3rd Row Left: It's just not a Comic Con without the scantly clad slave girls.
3rd Row Right: The Ark of the Covenant... I took a peek inside, melted a few faces of innocent bystanders. What are you gonna do.
4th Row Left: Marvel unveiled the Iron Man armor Saturday I believe. It looked amazing. It was the actual armor worn in the movie.
4th Row Right: I got to meet Kevin Smith backstage at a panel for "Reaper". They showed the entire pilot episode and then did a Q&A afterwards. If you've ever seen "An Evening with Kevin Smith" you know his Q&A's are hilarious. |
posted by Tony Shasteen @ 3:12 PM  |