Monday, June 25, 2007 |
Back from Heroes |
Heroes was great as usual! Sorry I haven't attended to the blog for a while. I was buried with work as soon as I got home and it didn't let up until yesterday. As soon as I can post it, I will. It was an exhausting trip from start to finish. I'm either getting older or these cons are more work than they used to be. Here are a few pictures from the con. Good times!
Rosario talks about the O.C.T. trade as David does an impromptu manicure.

David drones on and on about his "research" as Rosario and I try our hardest to not take a cat nap.

Mr. Cully Hamner at the Gaijin booth. My mere presence make him giddy!

We had dinner the last night at The Cajun Queen. It was amazing! Highly recommended! Rosario nabs the appetizers with her gigantic stretchy arm.

Our dinner party. Left to right... Cully Hamner, Sarena Shasteen, Me, Tommy Smith, Rosario Dawson, Gus Vasquez, Kevin Gardner.

I took this... obviously feeling the effect of a few too many Sierra Nevadas.
posted by Tony Shasteen @ 11:27 AM  |
Hi tony!!! I fell in love with this beautifull cop, ORTIZ!! JAJAJA then i saw here in this pics, wow shes great, congrats, u have an amazing job, ill be here looking out for more works of u, ggreat illustraions the ones from Occult Crimes Taskforce #1, JaviLaparra.
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Hi tony!!! I fell in love with this beautifull cop, ORTIZ!! JAJAJA then i saw here in this pics, wow shes great, congrats, u have an amazing job, ill be here looking out for more works of u, ggreat illustraions the ones from Occult Crimes Taskforce #1,