Saturday, February 16, 2008 | :: Toadeer |

I did this quickie last night for a challenge on It's a good way to clense the ol' artistic pallet. For the competition you design a new creature out of two suggested animals. This was a mix of a toad and a deer. I was going for a massive body on spindle like legs, so you get the new born calf wobble. In a swampy environment it would use the legs to move around deeper water but rarely use them to hold up all its weight. And yes, it is silly looking.
It's nice to be able to do quick pieces like this occasionally, because you don't have time to obsess over the details. |
posted by Tony Shasteen @ 10:19 AM  |
What about a "manbearpig"?
P.S. Eat it.
I've been to a NASCAR race. That one has already been taken care of.
And please, you eat it.
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What about a "manbearpig"?
P.S. Eat it.