Thursday, June 18, 2009
Heroes Convention 09

I'll be at Heroes Convention in Charlotte, NC this weekend. I've added a handy little map below that shows the 12 Gauge Booth where I'll plant myself. This is the convention I look forward to each year. The guys that run the show are the best, it's a family reunion for the industry guys, and it's a mini-vacation for the wife and I. It's the perfect storm of convention goodness!

I'm doing something a little different for "commissions" this year. I'm only doing one piece a day for $100 a piece. I know, it sounds crazy, but I hate the pressure of con sketches. I freeze up and it feels like I'm being tested in grade school again! The pressure, the sweats, the lack of performance! I'm taking medication (booze) for it... it'll be ok. So, I pre-planned 3 pieces that I think people will like. This way, if you like what you see, you can buy it! If you don't, well, good thing you didn't commission it!

In addition to the sketches I'll have a stack of art, books, sketchbooks, and prints for sale. If you don't want to buy my crap just come on by and say hello! I'd love to meet you and that's what these cons are really all about anyway, right?

posted by Tony Shasteen @ 8:24 AM  
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