Monday, May 21, 2007 |
Fear Agent :: Sketch |
So I read the Fear Agent trade this weekend and did a quick sketch afterwards of a Tony Moore inspired Heath. I'm not sure how he got the pin out of the grenade with the helmet on. I didn't think it through! Anyway, hope you like.

posted by Tony Shasteen @ 5:39 PM  |
it's science fiction, man! you can't sweat the hows and whys, or you'll never get anywhere!
cool sketch, man!
Haha, too true! Thanks man!
Why it's obvious that his helmet is cracked and he stuck the grenade through... at least THAT's the story I'm stickin' with!
Nice work!
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it's science fiction, man! you can't sweat the hows and whys, or you'll never get anywhere!
cool sketch, man!